Our latest update gives you over a million color combinations for your booking page, making sure your client scheduling experience is uniquely your own.
We've updated the Appearance section of the settings to include even more customization options, including Dark theme, Duotone, and improved background displays.
We've introduced the Dark theme to give your clients the best booking experience possible, based on their viewing preference.
By default, all booking pages will now be set to adjust according to the booker's device settings. If the page viewer has Dark mode on, the page will appear as Dark mode. If not, the page won’t change.
If you have your booking page embedded in your website, you'll be able to control this setting to match the settings of your website as Light, Dark, or Device settings.
We've split our existing color options into two themes: Classic and new Duotone.
Duotone offers 6 predefined color combinations, plus a color swatch for you to add your own custom color.
When you choose a custom brand color, the complementary color is based on the first - either lighter or darker. And you can use the 'swap' button to invert the colorways.
We've designed these color combinations with accessibility and legibility in mind, so your pages are guaranteed to meet AA contrast tests out of the box.
This area has been updated to include a new swatch to choose your custom color, plus a new 'Swap' button that will invert the theme from a light style to a dark style, based on your brand color.
We introduced background images in October 2024 and they've become one of our most popular customization options. In this update, we've added more details to this Classic theme option, based on your feedback.
For the gradient option, you can select how much intensity there is: Subtle, Average, or Vivid. You can also change the direction of the gradient!
You can add a blur to your background image to ensure it reflects the aesthetics of your brand.
Blur can be set to None, Light, Medium or Maximum
So go ahead! Inject some sass into your scheduling, and personality into your page. At YCBM, it starts with You!