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How to Use ChatGPT for Your Business (+16 Prompts)

Written by Gabriela Lefanowicz | Sep 13, 2024 6:11:58 PM

Ever feel like you’re constantly spinning plates while managing your daily tasks? Between emails, customer inquiries, social media, and content creation, things can quickly pile up.

Enter ChatGPT, a game-changing AI tool that’ll help you handle and speed up your workflow, letting you finally focus on your zone of genius. 👏

In this guide, we’ll explore the possibilities of AI, the do’s and don’ts for using it effectively, and give you the best ChatGPT prompts for businesses so you can hit the ground running. 

But first, the basics.

What is ChatGPT?

If you haven’t used ChatGPT yet, here’s the gist: it’s a state-of-the-art generative AI platform developed by OpenAI that uses natural language processing (NLP) to generate human-like text based on the prompts you give it. It’s essentially a smart chatbot that you can use to brainstorm ideas, answer questions (sometimes), and generate text. 

While ChatGPT is a great work buddy, keep in mind that it’s not designed to do all your work for you. While it won’t replace your trusty assistant or handle complex tasks end-to-end, it can get you from, “Ugh, I don’t know where to start” to “Hey, this is 60% done, and it only took 5 minutes!”

And the best part? It's one of the top free tools available. Sure, there are paid options like ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise, but for millions of users, the free version is powerful enough to handle their business needs.

Why should you use ChatGPT for your business?

Wondering if ChatGPT is really worth it for your small business? Here are the top 3 benefits of integrating AI into your workflows.

  1. Available 24/7—One of the best things about ChatGPT? It doesn’t sleep! ChatGPT can handle tasks whenever you need it, whether it's drafting a late-night email, generating social media content over the weekend, or responding to customer inquiries when your team is off the clock. 
  2. Saves time—Brainstorming new content ideas, answering common customer questions, and sorting through data can feel endless. ChatGPT helps you automate these tasks by handling your prompts in seconds. It’s like having an extra set of hands to tackle the nitty-gritty work while you focus on the big picture.
  3. Cost-effective—If hiring a team isn’t in the budget yet, but you still need a brainstorming partner or sounding board, ChatGPT is your go-to AI-powered assistant. While it’s not a replacement for actual employees, it’s incredibly useful for those moments when you hit a wall and need that extra push to keep moving forward.

The 5 dos and don’ts of using ChatGPT for business

ChatGPT is a super handy tool, but you need to learn how to use it correctly and responsibly. To avoid falling into common pitfalls when using ChatGPT for business, keep the following dos and don'ts in mind 👇

5 ChatGPT dos 

Whether you’re using ChatGPT or another generative AI platform, we suggest always looking at each company’s documentation around best practices. Check out OpenAI’s prompt engineering best practices. We’ve also summed these up below:

Do be specific in your prompts—ChatGPT’s responses will only be as good as your prompts. The more detailed you are in your request, the better the result will be. 

For example 👉 instead of typing, “Write me a product description for a water bottle,” try going with, “Write me a 100-word product description for a new, eco-friendly water bottle. Use a fun, friendly tone that will appeal to millennials.” 

Do use it as a starting point—ChatGPT may be fast, but it’s far from perfect. Always review what the tool generates and edit to ensure accuracy and tone, and to breathe some life into it. ChatGPT is great for generating ideas and giving you a place to start, but it likely won’t produce a perfect end piece. 

Think of it this way, ChatGPT is a predictive model. It uses math to predict what it should generate. But, it doesn’t have lived, human experiences like you do. So, be sure to bring your own personality and life experience into the things you generate.

Do keep data privacy in mindAlways be careful with customer data and confidential information. Avoid inputting sensitive details like customer names, email addresses, or business data into the tool to maintain compliance with your privacy policies. Remember, better safe than sorry.

Do experiment with different use cases—Don’t limit yourself! ChatGPT can be used for many different tasks, from drafting emails and creating blog briefs to brainstorming product names and building sales flows. 

Do use it for menial, repetitive tasks—Have a bunch of notes that you have to make sense of? Input them into ChatGPT and ask for a summary with key points. Need to convert a CSV file into a readable list? Great, ChatGPT can help. Looking for a particular Excel formula? Ask away! These repetitive tasks are where AI really shines, freeing you up for bigger-picture work.

5 ChatGPT don’ts

Don’t assume it’s 100% accurate—Here’s a little secret…ChatGPT lies! Not all the time, but it happens often enough not to trust everything that it generates. 

These lies are sometimes called hallucinations. When AI “hallucinates,” it gives answers that might sound plausible but aren’t quite right or relevant. This usually happens because the AI is missing some real-world context or has gaps in what it’s learned, but instead of owning up to those gaps, it generates an answer for you anyway.

TL;DR: Always verify any facts, figures, or dates you get from ChatGPT, especially if you’re using it for external communication.

Don’t use it to write legal or financial documents—ChatGPT is not a legal or tax expert! Avoid using it for sensitive matters like contracts, terms and conditions, or financial documents. Leave those tasks to the pros.

Don’t input confidential business strategies—Treat ChatGPT with caution. Take a moment to consider if you would publicly share the info you are about to input. If the answer is no, it’s probably best you keep it to yourself. Don’t forget that ChatGPT uses the info you feed into it to train itself—so anything you share could potentially be used to improve its responses in the future. 

Interesting fact 🤔 Instead of removing copyrighted material from ChatGPT’s training data, OpenAI will cover legal costs if you’re sued over copyright issues related to using their tool.

Don’t over-automate—While automation can save time, over-reliance on AI can make your business feel robotic. Don’t just rely on ChatGPT for everything; customers still appreciate personal touches and human interaction, especially in small businesses where relationships matter.

Don’t rely on it for originality—As we’ve already mentioned, ChatGPT is best suited as a tool to help you get to the end result faster, not to actually produce it. Remember that ChatGPT generates content based on patterns in the data it’s trained on, which means it’s not good at coming up with truly unique, innovative, and original ideas or content.

How to use ChatGPT for business—5 Use cases with prompts

It’s time for what everybody’s been waiting for—the prompts! Keep reading to learn everything from how to use ChatGPT for small business emails and social media, to drafting content, appointment notifications, and customer responses.

Quick tip 💡 Remember all the prompts below are just examples! Don’t forget to edit each one to fit your needs.

1. Email marketing 

Using ChatGPT for business emails can be a huge time saver. Sometimes crafting that perfect subject line or coming up with yet another follow-up email can feel like pulling teeth. You can turn to ChatGPT to get those creative juices flowing and help you get started. 

ChatGPT prompts for email marketing

  • Catchy subject lines—"Generate 5 engaging subject lines for an email announcing a 20% off sale at my bakery. The subject lines should be between 6-8 words, friendly, and create urgency to shop before the weekend."
  • Automated follow-up sequences—"Write a 3-email follow-up sequence for a new lead interested in our social media marketing services. Each email should be around 150 words, with a professional tone. The goal is to get the lead to schedule a consultation. The first email should offer value, the second should highlight a case study, and the third should offer a limited-time discount."
  • Personalized customer messages—"Write a 100-word personalized thank-you email for a repeat customer who bought handmade jewelry. Keep the tone warm and appreciative, and the goal is to encourage the customer to return by including a 15% off coupon for their next purchase."

Pro tip 💡ChatGPT and other language models often struggle to hit an exact word count, so use it as a general guideline rather than a precise rule. Think of the word count as a rough target to help ChatGPT produce text close to the length you want.


2. Social media management 

When you’re wearing all the hats in your business, you don’t always have time to sit and think up new social media content or ad copy. ChatGPT can be your brainstorming buddy. The key is giving it the right input.

ChatGPT prompts for social media

  • Post ideas and captions—"Generate 5 Instagram post ideas and captions for a fitness studio’s holiday challenge. The captions should be around 125 characters each, motivational, supportive, and encourage users to sign up for the challenge. Suggest relevant hashtags to include at the end of each one and what type of visual content to include."
  • Ad copy—"Write a Facebook ad for my new vegan skincare product targeting women aged 25-35. Remember to include a headline (max 27 characters), primary text (max 125 characters), and a link description (max 27 characters). The tone should be fun and eco-conscious, and emphasize that the product is cruelty-free and limited edition. Include a clear call to action encouraging people to buy now."
  • Response to comments or messages—"Write a polite and relatable 30-word response to a customer who left a negative comment about slow shipping on Instagram. The tone should be apologetic but positive, offering a solution like a discount on their next order and assuring them of improved future service."

3. Content creation 

Ever sat down to write a blog post and found yourself staring at a blinking cursor? ChatGPT can help. From brainstorming to generating outlines, you can essentially use it as a virtual content assistant.

ChatGPT prompts for content creation

  • Blog post ideas—“Give me 5 unique and interesting blog post ideas for my local coffee shop’s website, focusing on educating customers about coffee culture. Each idea should be 1-2 sentences long and suitable for posts around 600-800 words.”
  • Blog outlines—“Create a detailed outline for a blog post titled 'The Best Strategies for Growing a Small Business on a Budget.' The blog post will be around 1,000 words, and will be both encouraging and practical, and offer actionable tips. The goal of this article will be to provide value to the reader.
  • Repurpose content—“Repurpose my 800-word blog post '5 Tips for Managing Your Time Better' into three 50-word LinkedIn posts. The tone should be professional and informative, with a call to action to read the full blog post on my website.”
  • Overcome writer’s block—“I'm stuck on how to start my blog post about 'The Benefits of Sustainable Packaging for Small Businesses.' Give me three different introductions that are around 75 words each. One should be formal, one should be conversational, and the third should use a storytelling approach.”


4. Customer service  

When it comes to customer service, timely and professional responses can make all the difference. Keep customers happy without burning out by turning to ChatGPT for help drafting responses and summarizing your policies in a clear, helpful way. 

ChatGPT prompts for customer service

  • Handle inquiries—"Write a 100-word email response to a customer requesting a refund because their product arrived damaged. The tone should be apologetic but professional, and offer either a full refund or a replacement. Include a short apology for the inconvenience and express a commitment to making things right."
  • Draft apology emails—"Draft a 150-word apology email for a customer whose order was delayed by a week. The tone should be professional but warm, and include an explanation for the delay and a 20% discount on their next purchase as a gesture of goodwill."
  • Generating FAQs—"Write a FAQ for my online boutique explaining the return and refund policy. It should be 50-75 words, clear and straightforward, outlining the steps for initiating a return and the time frame for refunds."

5. Appointment scheduling

If you’re using an appointment scheduling tool like YouCanBookMe, you can pair it with ChatGPT to help you come up with appointment confirmation, reminder, and follow-up messages. With YouCanBookMe, you can completely customize all your notifications, using your own brand voice and adding the info that’s relevant to your customers.

ChatGPT prompts for appointment scheduling 

  • Appointment confirmations"Write a concise but informative appointment confirmation email for a customer booking a haircut at my salon. The tone should be friendly and professional, confirming the date and time, and reminding them of our 24-hour cancellation policy.
    The terms of our cancellation policy are [insert your cancellation policy terms]."
  • Meeting reminder emails"Write a 50-word appointment reminder message for a dental appointment happening tomorrow at 2 PM. The tone should be polite and helpful, including the date, time, and a gentle nudge to confirm or reschedule if necessary."
  • Follow-up message"Write a 50-word follow-up email thanking a client after a business consultation. The tone should be professional yet approachable, include a link to a feedback survey, and ask if they have any further questions. At the end, include a sentence with my booking link encouraging them to book another meeting."


Once you have these messages ready, all you need to do is paste them into YouCanBookMe, and they’ll send automatically at a time of your choosing. 


​​Ready, set, prompt 🤖 

From email marketing to customer service and even appointment scheduling, ChatGPT can be a game-changer for your business. It helps you work smarter, not harder, by providing quick, helpful drafts and ideas that cut down on your time spent staring at a blank screen. 

Plus, despite the fact that AI can seem intimidating, you don’t need to be a tech genius to use ChatGPT—just experiment with a few prompts, see what works, and build from there. So, why not give it a try today? We’re pretty sure you won’t regret it. 😄