writing follow-up emails

Picture this: You've just wrapped up an incredibly successful meeting. (Go you!)

The conversation flowed, the connection was genuine, and you feel like you’ve made a lot of progress. Now you find yourself wondering, how do I keep this momentum going?

The answer lies in crafting the perfect follow-up email that reiterates key takeaways and next steps, and keeps the dialogue open for future interactions.

In this article, we’ll walk through the best practices for writing effective follow-up emails and give you ready-made templates for in-house teams like sales, customer success, recruitment, HR, and UX, as well as templates for professional coaches.

But before we get into the templates, let’s walk through the foundational work.

6 Best practices for post-meeting follow-up emails

Great meetings are just the first piece of the puzzle—staying relevant and at the top of the attendee’s mind afterward is the next. 

Imagine the number of missed opportunities simply because someone didn’t send a follow-up email!

Don’t make the same mistake. Follow these six best practices when crafting and sending follow-up emails:

  1. Show appreciation: What’s the best way to kick off and set a friendly tone for your follow-up message? By thanking your attendees for their time!
  2. Personalize it: Use the attendee’s first name, sign off with your own, and add relevant details from the meeting when possible. I.e., for a discovery meeting follow-up email, reiterate exactly how your product will help the attendee solve a specific problem.
  3. Include your contact info: Don’t forget to include your contact information and encourage recipients to reach out if they have any questions.
  4. Send it at the right time: We recommend sending your follow-up email within 24 hours after the meeting, while the conversation is still fresh in the attendee’s mind.
  5. Offer a second meeting: When relevant, offer the attendee a chance to easily schedule a second meeting with a calendar link. Depending on your use case, that could be a product demo, training session, or simply a follow-up meeting.
  6. Automate your follow-ups: Don’t let forgetfulness rob you of opportunities. Send automatic, personalized follow-up emails with an online scheduling tool.
💡 Pro-tip: In the case of high-ticket sales, you might want to consider a series of follow up emails, in addition to your first automated follow-up.


How to automate follow-up emails with an online scheduling tool

Sending follow-up emails can feel like a burden, especially when you’ve got back-to-back meetings in a day. You’ll have to try and recall conversations and next steps throughout the day, draft the emails, and then send them.

That’s why we recommend two things to save you time:

  1. Creating follow-up email templates that you can use
  2. Automating the process with an online scheduling tool like YouCanBookMe

YouCanBookMe makes sending post-meeting follow-up emails a breeze:

  1. Select the email template you want to use (or add your own)
  2. Add in relevant personalization tokens
  3. Schedule your follow-ups
  4. Sit back and relax

It’s that easy!



Did you happen to notice these brackets { } in the screenshot above? You’ll also find them in the email templates below. These are shorthand codes, which will automatically populate with the corresponding information for all YouCanBookMe users. 

Yep, that means each of your meeting follow-up emails will be personalized automatically, saving you even more time!

Not a YouCanBookMe user? No problem! Simply fill in the information inside the brackets manually to personalize the emails to your specific needs.

💡 Pro-tip: With YouCanBookMe, you can create multiple booking pages and personalize follow-up emails with the right booking link. That means you’ll be able to schedule more client meetings (and more billable hours).

Post-meeting follow-up email templates for in-house teams

Fields highlighted like this are dynamic fields in YouCanBookMe (meaning they'll be automatically personalized to each recipient). Fields highlighted like this are non-dynamic but should be customized by you.

General follow-up email templates

1. Meeting recap email template

About this template: This template is a perfect starting point regardless of your role or type of meeting. It's meant to be further customized based on your needs.

Subject line: Meeting recap


Thanks for taking the time to meet today. I just wanted to follow-up with a recap of our meeting and action items.

What was discussed:

  • [Topic]
  • [Topic]
  • [Topic]

Action items:

  • [Next step]
  • [Next step]
  • [Next step]

If you'd like to book a follow-up call, you can do so here {BOOKING-PAGE-LINK}

[Your name]
[Email signature]

meeting recap email template

Follow-up email templates for sales teams

2. Meeting follow-up email for discovery meetings

About this template: This template is perfect for connecting after a discovery meeting. It’s a go-to tool to stay fresh in a lead’s mind, reiterate why your product is a great fit, and guide them toward the next step in your sales funnel: the demo.

Subject line: It was great chatting, {FNAME}


Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I really enjoyed chatting with you about [company] and learning about your team’s needs. 

Based on our chat, I believe [product] is a great fit.

I’d be happy to demo our product to show you how we can help you [insert benefit i.e., achieve your targets, save time, simplify your payroll].

Schedule your demo here {BOOKING-PAGE-LINK}.

If you have any additional questions or need assistance, feel free to reply to this email or reach me at [phone number]

[Your name]
[Email signature]

discover meeting email follow up template

3. Meeting follow-up email after product demos

About this template: This template is your golden ticket to keeping the momentum rolling after a successful product demo. It’s key to reinforce the demo’s highlights, address any outstanding questions, and guide the prospect in their decision-making process.

Subject line: [Product name] demo: Thanks for your time {FNAME}


I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me today. It was a pleasure showing you how [product] can help your company [insert benefits here].

Here’s a quick recap of our call:

  • [Meeting notes and/or action items]
  • [Meeting notes and/or action items]
  • [Meeting notes and/or action items]

If there are any other features you’d like to see or any questions you still have, feel free to [book another call with me here]({BOOKING-PAGE-LINK}).

If there’s anything else I can help you with, feel free to reply to this email or reach me at [phone number]. I’m always happy to hear from you!

[Your name]
[Email signature]

product demo email follow up template

4. Meeting follow-up email for new client onboarding

About this template: This template is just what you need to ensure a smooth transition and warm welcome for new clients. It reaffirms their decision, provides all necessary resources, and initiates the next steps for a successful onboarding and lasting working relationship!

Subject line: Thanks for attending our onboarding session


Thanks for meeting with me. It was a delight explaining how [company] works and getting you set up. I hope you’ve got everything you need to get started!

To sign up for additional training sessions, please [visit the training booking page]({BOOKING-PAGE-LINK}). 

Remember that you can always find additional resources, including guides and support articles, in our help center [link].

If you have any other questions, please reply to this email or reach me at [phone number]

Talk soon,
[Your name]
[Email signature]

new client onboarding email follow up template

5. Meeting follow-up email for client check-ins

About this template: This check-in template is your trusted tool to ensure client satisfaction and positive rapport! It provides links to all the resources and training you offer while keeping communication open and friendly.

Subject line: Thanks for catching up


Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. I truly enjoyed our chat and hearing about your experience with [company] so far.

As a quick reminder, you can always sign up for training sessions by [visiting the training booking page]({BOOKING-PAGE-LINK}). We have the following training available: [list of training offered].

Additional resources, including guides and support articles, can be found here: [link].

If you have any other questions or feedback, please reply to this email or reach me at [phone number]. I’m always glad to hear from you!

[Your name]
[Email signature]

client check-in email follow up template

6. Follow-up email for training sessions

About this template: This template is ideal to send to a client right after a training session. It reinforces vital learnings, provides quick access to additional resources and sessions, and ensures the client feels comfortable to reach out in case of any questions or concerns.

Subject line: Thanks for attending the training with {BOOKING-PAGE-TITLE}

Hello {FNAME},

Thanks for attending the {BOOKING-PAGE-TITLE} training!

As a recap, here’s what we covered in the session:

  • [Recap 1]
  • [Recap 2]
  • [Recap 3]

You can sign up for additional sessions by [visiting the training booking page]({BOOKING-PAGE-LINK}).

Here’s a full list of available sessions: [list of training offered].

Please remember that you can always find additional resources, including guides and support articles, here: [link].

If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this email.

[Your name]
[Email signature]

training session email follow up template

Follow-up email templates for recruitment teams

7. Meeting follow-up email post-interview

About this template: This meeting follow-up template is your chance to create a positive candidate experience! Send it after an interview to express gratitude, open a line of communication between you and your candidate, and ensure the candidate knows when to expect an update from you.

Subject line: Thanks for meeting with me + next steps

Hello {FNAME},

I appreciate you making time to meet with me! Chatting with you about the [job position] at [company] was a pleasure. 

As we are still interviewing for this role, we’ll reach out to you with potential next steps within [time frame]

If you have any additional questions, feel free to reply to this email.

[Your name]
[Email signature]

interview email follow up template

8. Meeting follow-up email for informational sessions

About this template: Keep potential candidates engaged after an informational session with this follow-up email template. It’s a friendly way to keep the conversation going while providing the necessary resources the candidate will need.

Subject line: Thanks for attending the info session

Hello {FNAME},

Thank you for attending our info session! It was fantastic chatting with you about [company] and getting to know you better. 

If you’re interested in applying for a position at [company], you can do so by visiting: [link].

If you have any additional questions or need help, please reply to this email or reach me at [phone number].

[Your name]
[Email signature]

informational session email follow up template

Follow-up email templates for HR teams

9. Meeting follow-up email for new employee onboarding

About this template: Send this email after your onboarding sessions to ensure a smooth transition and warm welcome for new hires! This template summarizes key takeaways and builds a friendly and open atmosphere with the new employee. 

Subject line: Welcome to [company]! Onboarding follow-up

Hello {FNAME},

Once again, welcome to [company]!

Getting to know you better was a delight! I hope the onboarding session was helpful and that you feel a little more familiar with the company.

Some takeaways from our onboarding session:

  • [Recap 1]
  • [Recap 2]
  • [Recap 3]

If you have any other questions or need any support in the future, you can always reach me at [email] or [phone number].

[Your name]
[Email signature]

new employee onboarding email follow up template

10. Meeting follow-up email for employee check-ins

About this template: Do you want to maintain open communication and support employee engagement? This template is perfect for you! Send it after a check-in to express appreciation for their time and feedback, recap any next steps, and keep the communication lines open. 

Subject line: Thanks for our check-in

Hello {FNAME},

Thank you for sharing a bit about your experience! I really enjoyed our discussion and appreciated your feedback.

As a reminder, these are the next steps for us:

  • [Recap 1]
  • [Recap 2]
  • [Recap 3]

If you have any other questions or feedback, or need any support, you can always reach me at [email] or [phone number].

[Your name]
[Email signature]

employee check-in email follow up template

11. Meeting follow-up email for exit interviews

About this template: This template is ideal for sending shortly after an exit interview to express gratitude and ensure respectful closure. It will help you to maintain positive connections, gather final feedback, and leave the door open for future discussions. 

Subject line: Thanks for making the time for our exit interview

Hello {FNAME},

Thank you for meeting with me. I truly appreciate you taking the time to share more about your experience at [company].

If you have any other questions or feedback, feel free to reply to this email or reach me at [phone number].

I wish you all the best in the future!

[Your name]
[Email signature]

exit interview email follow up template

Follow-up email templates for UX teams

12. Meeting follow-up email for usability testing

About this template: Send this email after a usability testing session to express your gratitude and encourage further feedback! It will ensure the participants know their insights and time are appreciated and valued.

Subject line: Thanks for participating in our usability testing session

Hello {FNAME},

Thank you for participating in our usability testing today. We really appreciate you taking the time to test and help us improve our product.

If you have any additional feedback, please feel free to reply to this email. We’re always glad to hear from you!

[Your name]
[Email signature]

usability testing email follow up template

13. Meeting follow-up email for product feedback sessions

About this template: This follow-up email template is a perfect tool to reinforce connections after a productive product feedback session, ensuring participants feel valued and their insights acknowledged. It also helps to gather feedback post-session and pave the way for ongoing engagement. 

Subject line: Thanks for sharing product feedback for [company]

Hello {FNAME},

Thanks for participating in our feedback session! We truly appreciate you taking the time to test and help us improve our product.

Feel free to reply to this email with any further feedback. We're always eager to hear your thoughts!

[Your name]
[Email signature]

product feedback call email follow up template

Follow-up email templates for professional coaches

14. Meeting follow-up email for nutritional coaches

About this template: This template will be perfect to send after your first meeting with new clients. It outlines all the next steps, lets them easily book a follow-up meeting, and encourages them to continue the incredible journey ahead.

Subject line: Next steps for your nutritional wellness

Hello {FNAME},

Thank you for meeting with me today! Our conversation about your wellness journey left me genuinely excited about the positive changes ahead. 

Reflecting on our discussion, here's a quick rundown of what's coming up:

  • Your Wellness Goals: Your wellness aspirations are crystal clear, and I'm thrilled to partner with you on this adventure toward better health and vitality.
  • Tailored Nutrition Plan: I'll be crafting a personalized nutrition plan that perfectly fits your lifestyle and aligns with your goals. It's all about making healthy choices feel effortless and enjoyable!
  • Ongoing Support: Let's keep the dialogue open. I propose regular check-ins to ensure you're cruising toward your goals smoothly and to tweak the plan as needed. You can easily schedule our next chat by [visiting my booking page]({BOOKING-PAGE-LINK})

Remember, I'm here whenever you need a sounding board or have any questions.

I can’t wait to see the incredible transformations coming your way!

[Your name]
[Email signature]

nutritional coach email follow up template

15. Meeting follow-up email for financial coaches

About this template: Send this email right after your first meeting with a new client. It lays out the upcoming actions, simplifies scheduling a follow-up meeting, and motivates them to continue embracing the exciting journey ahead.

Subject line: Next steps for your financial success journey

Hello {FNAME},

I hope you're doing great! Our recent chat about your financial goals was fantastic—I'm thrilled to be a part of your journey towards financial wellness.

Here's a quick recap of our discussion and the steps we'll take:

  • Your Financial Ambitions: Your dedication to shaping a secure financial future is truly admirable! I'm eager to work together to make your goals a reality.
  • Personalized Financial Plan: I'll be crafting a tailored financial plan designed specifically to fit your lifestyle and aspirations. Let's make managing money stress-free and effective!
  • Stay in Touch: Communication is key. We'll set up regular check-ins to ensure you're on track, tackle any challenges, and adjust the plan as needed. You can easily schedule our next chat by [visiting my booking page]({BOOKING-PAGE-LINK})

Remember, I'm here to support you every step of the way. Feel free to reach out anytime you have questions or want to discuss your progress.

[Your name]
[Email signature]

financial coach email follow up template

16. Meeting follow-up email for life coaches

About this template: This template works wonders after a first meeting with a new client. It's a friendly nudge that keeps the positivity going post-meeting and sets the tone, expectations, and next steps for your journey together. 

Subject line: Next steps for your growth journey

Hello {FNAME},

I hope this message finds you feeling inspired! Our recent conversation about your life goals and aspirations truly resonated with me—I'm thrilled to be part of your path toward personal fulfillment.

Let's highlight what's in store for our journey together:

  • Your Vision for Growth: Your commitment to self-growth and fulfillment is incredibly motivating! I'm excited to team up and help you achieve the life you envision.
  • Tailored Coaching Plan: I'll be creating a personalized coaching plan designed uniquely for you. Together, we'll navigate challenges, uncover opportunities, and spark the transformation you're seeking.
  • Staying Connected: Let's keep the conversation flowing! Regular check-ins will be our way to ensure you're progressing and thriving on your journey. You can easily schedule our next chat by [visiting my booking page]({BOOKING-PAGE-LINK})

Remember that I’m here to offer guidance and encouragement whenever you need it. I'm genuinely looking forward to being a part of your journey and seeing you thrive!

[Your name]
[Email signature]

coaches email follow up template

FAQ regarding meeting follow-up emails

What should a meeting follow-up email include?

When following up with potential clients or customers after a meeting, ensure your meeting follow-up email includes a personalized message. When relevant, mention key points discussed, express gratitude for their time, and outline any action points or next steps discussed during the meeting. Add your contact info and, if possible, offer the attendee a chance to book a second meeting.

How can I make my meeting follow-up emails stand out among competitors when reaching out to potential clients? 

To make your meeting follow-up email stand out, consider personalizing the content to reflect your understanding of the client's specific needs or challenges. Showcase how your product or service can address their pain points and include relevant next steps, such as scheduling demos or additional meetings to keep the conversation going. 

Are there any tools or software that can help streamline the process of sending meeting follow-up emails?

Yes, online scheduling tools, like YouCanBookMe, automate the process of sending meeting follow-up emails to ensure they’re sent automatically after every single meeting. Shorthand codes will instantly personalize every meeting follow-up email, ensuring you save time all while building strong connections with meeting attendees.

When should I send meeting follow-up emails?

For best results, we recommend sending your meeting follow-up email within 24 hours of a meeting to keep your potential customers or contacts engaged. This time frame allows you to remain fresh in the recipient's memory while demonstrating your promptness and professionalism. 

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