Explore these booking page examples for inspiration

Designed with coaches in mind

Easily set up, sell, and schedule one-on-one sessions, group programs, and packages to grow your coaching business without feeling drained.

Leadership Coach

Leadership Coaches

Life Coach

Life Coaches

Business Coach

Business Coaches

career coach

Career Coaches


Fitness Coaches

Wellness Coach

Wellness Coaches

Minimize the admin. Maximize the results.

Simply create and send a booking link, and your clients can book sessions in seconds. Reminders, personalized notifications, rescheduling, updates to your database, and time zone calculations are all taken care of, leaving you free to focus on what you do best.

Get back time in your day
coaching scheduling software (2)

Let your clients schedule anytime, anywhere.

Your availability is updated live, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The result? Your clients can self-schedule on their own time without any back-and-forth messages or delays. The easier your sessions are to schedule, the more land on your calendar. 

Try it for free
coaching scheduling (3)

Stay true to your brand and clients’ demands

Say hello to the most customizable coaching scheduling software. Add one appointment type or 50. Add your own color, logo, and images. Personalize your notifications. Embed your booking page on your website, social media profiles, or email signature. It’s all up to you.  

Book more appointments!
best system for coaches (4)

Coaches ❤️ YouCanBookMe

Read why these coaches are asking, “Why wouldn’t you want to make scheduling easy for your clients!?”

“YouCanBookMe makes it easier for potential new clients to book with me because it removes the barrier of them needing to email me first. It gives them a clear and easy call to action and an easy first step to connect with me.”
Sheri Gazzit
CEO & Founder
“YCBM has empowered my clients to schedule my time at their convenience. It’s my virtual assistant—easy to set up, economical to use and perfect for the type of practice I promote.”
Wayne Mann
Personal Career Ownership Coach
“Clients love it because it gives them great peace of mind, and they can easily reschedule if they need to. They have the confirmation, they have the Zoom link, and they’re all set. It shouldn't just work for me. It should also work for everyone I'm working with.”
Inger Kenobi
Life Coach
Create your booking page now!

Everything a coach needs in one tool!

Custom Booking Page

Design your ideal booking page

Customize your booking page - from colors, images and logos to workflows & intake forms - to make your schedule work for you. 


Get paid for every session

Let your clients schedule and pay for sessions in one go. Plus, create custom promo codes to incentivize more bookings.


Automate all notifications

Reduce no-shows and stay connected to clients with automated confirmations, reminders, and follow-ups.


Cut through the noise with SMS

Emails getting lost in a crowded inbox? Send customizable SMS notifications instead to promptly reach your clients.

Appointment Types

Tailor appointments to your needs

Customize your offer by editing the type, description, location, participants, length, and price of all sessions.


Connect your favorite calendars

Say goodbye to double-bookings! Automatically update your schedule by integrating your Google, Outlook/Office 365, or Apple calendars.

Integrate with your favorite tools

YouCanBookMe’s scheduling software for coaches seamlessly connects with popular calendar apps, video tools, CRMs, and 7,000+ other tools via Zapier to simplify your workday.

Spend your time coaching your clients, not scheduling them

Bottom line: when you’re fielding calls, booking sessions, or sending emails, you aren’t seeing clients. Let us take care of the busy work so you can focus on what truly matters. 

Create your booking page now!
No credit card required.

Level up your coaching business with these resources

create a coaching package that sells

Your Blueprint to Creating Coaching Packages that Land Clients

Want to take your coaching business to the next level? It’s time to put together some packages! Dig in to see how it’s done.

Read blog Read blog

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I automate my coaching business?

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With YouCanBookMe, automating your coaching business is simple. Our coaching software allows you to streamline scheduling, automate reminders, and sync appointments with your calendar, saving you time and hassle. Focus on what matters most—coaching your clients—while YouCanBookMe handles the administrative tasks.

Does YouCanBookMe offer a free online scheduling software for coaches?

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Yes, YouCanBookMe offers a free version of our coaching appointment software. Among others, it features unlimited bookings, branding, a configurable booking form, automated and customizable email confirmations, and the ability to set prices and take payment for bookings. Feel free to get started with our free plan and upgrade as your coaching business grows.  

Can I set different availability for each service I provide?

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Absolutely. With YouCanBookMe’s schedule software for coaches, you have the flexibility to set unique availability for each service you offer. For example, you can offer one-on-one sessions on Mondays, group sessions on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and free consultations every other week. In other words, you are always in complete control of your schedule and availability. 

Can I connect YouCanBookMe to my personal and coaching calendar?

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Yes, YouCanBookMe seamlessly integrates with your personal and coaching calendars to ensure all your appointments are synchronized and up to date. In fact, you can connect as many calendars as you want to finally say goodbye to double bookings and scheduling conflicts!

Does YouCanBookMe integrate with my other tools?

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Yes, YouCanBookMe’s scheduling software for coaches integrates with many tools coaches find helpful in their day-to-day work. These include video chat tools (such as Zoom, Google Meet, and MS Teams), Stripe for accepting payments and creating promo codes, analytics tools (including Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics, and LinkedIn Pixel), and 1,500+ more options via Zapier. 

What is the best scheduling app for coaches?

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The answer will depend upon your individual needs, preferences, and the tools you already use. If you prioritize a smooth client booking experience and a high degree of customization, YouCanBookMe will be your best bet. This coaching appointment software offers built-in native integrations with over 20 popular calendar, video call, and CRM platforms, and you can connect 1,500+ more tools through Zapier. If you need a scheduling app with more extensive native integrations, it’s always worth exploring other options.