Focusing on fundamentals & improving the customer experience
We prioritized creating a solid foundation for future growth - with a few power features for good measure!

Kayleigh Bingham

2017 was a year of intense ‘under the hood’ work at YouCanBookMe. We updated and improved a number of areas that a customer doesn’t see but that are so critical to the smooth running of a software company.
But if a lot of work was out of sight, our customers were never out of mind!
Whether it is making sure YouCanBookMe is stable and can maintain 99% + uptime, optimizing our system for fast load times and consistent results, or ensuring your account and your data is secure, everything we do is to create a great customer experience - for you and for your bookers.
It wasn’t all under the hood, though. We also delivered some powerful new features you can use to really supercharge your online scheduling. Give some of these a try in the new year!
Advanced booking form functionality: passthrough and hidden questions
These beauties bring what you can do with your booking form data to a whole new level!
As with our smart links, they let you pass information about an appointment or a customer directly into YouCanBookMe, so it’s entered alongside the booking. This means you can use that data later any way you need.
You might want to use it to create customized confirmation emails. Or you may need to pass the information into your Sales database or CRM.
But these two extra question types mean you can control the information more closely. The answer to the Passthrough question shows on the booking form, but it can’t be edited. You might use this if you’re including the customer’s account number or membership level.
The answer to the Hidden question isn’t seen by the booker at all. These work great if you want to show which of your marketing leads the customer came from, or which team member will be credited with the sale.
Find out more about using Passthrough and Hidden questions |
Auto-detect phone number validation
Our booking form functionality continues to improve based on what our customers tell us.
Many of you said that trying to enter or choose their own country code could be a bit clunky for bookers. So we now automatically detect and update the country code based on their location, ensuring that the phone number is always in the correct format.
We also automatically detect if it is a mobile number. This is useful if you’re set up to send SMS reminders and they enter a landline instead of a mobile phone number.
Another power feature that lets you automate your processes, saving you time and minimizing mistakes, is Webhooks.
Webhooks are a relatively easy way to create very bespoke actions to send information from within into any of the other tools you use, without needing a lot of programming ability.
Webhooks mean you can automatically sync information about bookings with your sales systems or CRM. You can set real-time updates for when a booking happens, is rescheduled or is canceled. Now everyone will know the customer’s status, no matter which tool they’re using, without you having to create and manage spreadsheets.
Create beautiful data reports to show your boss how YouCanBookMe helps your team succeed, set up a Slack notification every time a booking is made, update your CRM or marketing automation tool, send booker information to another business app, and more!
Tell me more about webhooks! |
New settings make it even easier to edit your booking pages
We redesigned your settings, giving you full control over how you message your booker, your team, and how you interact with other apps using Zapier before and after a booking.
You can find out more about our notification settings here.
Easier subscription management
And, finally, we’ve redesigned the Billing page to make it easier to understand and adjust your subscriptions.
It’s now easier to view how many calendars you're paying for, change your subscription amount or duration, and purchase SMS credits.
Our super flexible, transparent pricing is now even easier.
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Written by
Kayleigh Bingham
Kayleigh is a Product Manager at YoucanBookMe. She's passionate about putting our customers at the center of everything we do. Pen and paper in hand, and never far from some post-its, Kayleigh is always working on ways to add more value to our product.