PrismHR’s software handles some of the most important elements of any business: making sure employees are paid correctly, and on time.
The company processes payroll and benefits for more than two million workers in the US. So it’s important that PrismHR’s customers, Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) that deliver the HR function for 80,000 small to medium sized businesses, understand exactly how their tool works.
PrismHR has a team of trainers who run courses on all aspects of the software. This could be for new users, or anyone who needs a quick brush-up on the latest updates.
The training program started out as a very customized process. Clients would write in with their needs and a trainer would be assigned to develop a course. But this was really labor intensive - and it soon became clear that the majority of requests centered on the same general subjects.
Kim Roberts, PrismHR’s Support Systems Administrator, realized there was probably a better way to streamline the training and make it a more efficient process.
“Other departments were using YouCanBookMe at that time in a fairly typical fashion,” says Kim. “Both our Sales team, and our Customer Success Managers use it. They share their links individually whenever they want to meet with a client.”
But Kim wanted a solution that was available to clients whenever they needed it.
“Our customers can go to our Customer Resource Center, where they’ll see a list of prepackaged training,” she says.

“From there, they click on a link which brings them to a YouCanBookMe page. Behind that page, we have whatever trainers are available to do that course. So the customer will pick a slot that will be for the first hour of their training and they'll pay for it upfront.”
Kim likes that the always-available training pages mean customers don’t have to wait to get in touch with their Customer Success Manager if they don’t understand something. If they feel they need training, they can schedule it right when they’re thinking about it.
She also likes the time savings that YouCanBookMe’s automations bring.
“In the past, the customer would submit a training request. Then a manager would have a call with them to find out what they wanted. And then we’d have to figure out how long it would take and how much it would cost.
“Then we’d generate a quote. We’d send them the quote, they would sign off on the quote, they would return the quote and then we would set up the training.
“So YCBM has really taken out most of that middle step. It takes out a 15 minute call for a senior person, and it frees up an administrator from having to send the quote and chase the payment, which can sometimes take hours or days. Now we know the payment has gone through as soon as the appointment is made.”
The booking process alone saves the PrismHr team more than 160 hours a year - that’s almost two extra working days a month when they can be developing training programs and focusing on their customers.

But the time savings don’t stop when the training session is scheduled.
“After a customer schedules a training session, we send an email to them and the trainer to confirm the appointment. We also send an email into Salesforce, and that automatically creates a case for us.
“After that, we just have to add one or two details, and it automatically creates the order, the project, and it creates a follow-up for the billing team to be able to track it. All those tasks that we would otherwise need to manually perform internally for every training session.
“Anything we have to do manually now is minimal compared to what it was before we were able to automate our training scheduling with YouCanBookMe. It's saving us a significant amount of time.”
There is a third area where Kim says YouCanBookMe’s automations come in handy.
“The reminders are great. We actually send a few - one the day before and one the day of - because we’ve had a couple of times when clients forgot. That automation is super helpful.
“First, because it protects the time that the trainer has already spent preparing for the session. And second, because the trainers don’t have to remember to remind their clients twice for each appointment”
Some training sessions can last several hours so after the first session, the trainer will schedule the customer for any additional ones that are required. They use their individual YouCanBookMe links, with their own availability rules in place, for those.

Kim manages most of the set-up for creating booking pages on the YouCanBookMe account. This keeps things simple so the trainers can get on with what they do best.
But some of the trainers have become super schedulers with YouCanBookMe!
“I love it. I let the clients book their time. It’s so much easier and no more back and forth with emails.”
“We have one team member who could just see the benefits straight away. She uses it for everything now. She found it so easy to use. She told me, ‘I am so sick of the back and forth with people. I just want to get the sessions booked. So if I send them the YCBM page, I know that’s going to take care of it.’
“I don't know how, if you're in a customer interactive position, you wouldn't be using it.”
Kim’s not a trainer, but she uses YouCanBookMe as well.
“It’s super handy when a CSM from a software tool we use reaches out to me and says, ‘What times do you have available?’. I just send them the link to my YouCanBookMe page. They can book me right there, or they can just see what time I have available and invite me separately. But I’m not doing the back and forth!”
PrismHR has seen the impact of their training sessions in other areas of the company.
“The more people in an organization that are trained, the better they’ll use the PrismHR system, the more engaged they’ll be.
“And that leads to lower support cases down the line. You can always tell when new people have joined a client’s team because the support cases are for quite basic things. Our support team can recognize that and point them towards the appropriate training.”
Better efficiency, less time wasted, and more engaged customers.
YouCanBookMe helps PrismHR achieve all these things. And that ultimately means millions of employees don’t have to worry if they’ll get paid on time. Cha-ching!