Do the No-show Workflow without logging in
The latest update to our no-shows functionality makes it even easier for team members to manage no-shows without logging in.

Kayleigh Bingham

Earlier this year, we introduced new functionality around no-show management, including being able to trigger a series of emails specifically for bookers who didn’t attend their meeting.
It’s not quite the Hokey Cokey, but the No-show Workflow made people very happy! 💃
In just a few clicks, you can mark a booking as a no-show, trigger the appropriate notifications, and get back in the zone - confident that all the admin has been dealt with.
Now we’re making it even easier.
Whereas before you needed to log into your account and go to the bookings dashboard to mark a booking as a no-show, now any team member can do it right in their inbox.
We’ve created a new shorthand code that you can add to emails to give any team member the ability to mark a booking as a no-show.This will come in handy if:
- You’re using Team Management and have colleagues that don’t usually need to log in.
- You have colleagues who get booked, but don’t manage their own appointments, like some sales teams, teams with freelancers, and Parent/Teacher conference bookings.
- You just don’t want to have to stop what you’re doing to log into your account to mark the booking.
All you need to do is send an email or SMS to the person who is taking the meeting. That could be a team member, or yourself!
If you send a reminder ahead of the booking, you can add the {NO-SHOW} shorthand code to the text. That can be used as soon as the person doesn’t show.
Or try sending a follow-up email at a set time after the meeting was due to start. This is particularly helpful if they have deleted the reminder or if they’ve forgotten to mark the booking at the time.
The tag will appear as a clickable link that the person can use to
- Quickly mark the booking as a no-show
- Automatically trigger a new, no-show email or SMS to the booker
- Disable any scheduled notifications that are no longer appropriate
We hope you don’t have to deal with a lot of no-shows, but when you do, YouCanBookMe makes it easier than ever to deal with them and get back to your day job.
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Written by
Kayleigh Bingham
Kayleigh is a Product Manager at YoucanBookMe. She's passionate about putting our customers at the center of everything we do. Pen and paper in hand, and never far from some post-its, Kayleigh is always working on ways to add more value to our product.