How to start a tutoring business

Wondering how to start a tutoring business? You’re in the right place!

Whether you’re a teacher looking for a secondary stream of income, a university student needing flexible hours, or someone passionate about helping others learn, this guide has you covered. 

We’ll walk you through everything—from finding your niche to setting up a student scheduling software for tutors that will make scheduling a breeze. 

Let’s dive in!

1. Niche down: Find your focus

First things first—figure out what sets you apart. Maybe you’re a pro at breaking down complex math concepts, or you might be an SAT prep genius. Narrowing your focus helps you stand out in a crowded market and attracts students who need exactly what you offer.

Specializing doesn’t just make you more marketable—it also allows you to charge more for your expertise. Here are some popular tutoring niches to consider:

  • Test prep: SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, or other standardized tests.
  • Subject-specific tutoring: Math, science, English, or foreign languages.
  • Study skills and tips: Helping students develop effective study habits.
  • Adult education: Teaching basic skills like literacy or GED prep.
  • College application coaching: Assisting with essays, applications, and interview prep.
  • STEM tutoring: Focus on science, technology, engineering, and math subjects.
  • Special needs tutoring: Supporting students with learning disabilities.
  • Language learning: Tutoring for non-native speakers in English or other languages.

math and phsyics tutor example



Offering different services for varied needs? 

An online scheduler like YouCanBookMe lets you create unique appointment types to reflect your specialties—like “Algebra Tutoring” on Tuesdays or “SAT Prep” on Fridays. This can help students find the exact help they need when they need it. 

2. Set up your business: Get the basics in place

Before diving into tutoring, it’s important to get the foundational aspects of your business sorted out. Think of this step as building the strong, stable base on which your tutoring empire will stand. From handling your finances to choosing the right legal structure and tech stack, setting up your business properly from the start will save you a ton of headaches later on.

How much does it cost to start a tutoring business?

Initial costs can vary depending on your setup, but you’ll need to consider expenses like:

  • Marketing: Website domain, business cards, flyers
  • Office supplies: Laptop, printer, webcam, microphone, educational materials
  • Software: Scheduling, accounting, video conferencing
  • Legal fees: Registering your business, forming an LLC
  • Insurance: Liability, business coverage

Keeping your startup costs low while investing in essential tools, like a seamless online scheduling system, can help you get started efficiently.

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booking page tutors

Pricing your tutoring services

Getting your pricing right is key when you’re figuring out how to start a tutoring business. You want to charge enough to reflect your value but stay competitive in your market. Here’s how to start:

  • Research local rates: Check out what other tutors in your area are charging. Start by browsing online job boards like Indeed, Thumbtack, or LinkedIn. 
  • Explore local listings: Don’t forget to look at Craigslist, community bulletin boards, and local Facebook groups where tutors advertise their services. You can even explore bulletin boards from local higher education institutions.
  • Network with peers: Reach out to fellow tutors in your area through LinkedIn or local networking groups. They can give you insights into their rates and what’s working for them.

Once you have a sense of local rates, consider your own experience and qualifications. If you have specialized certifications or advanced degrees, you can charge more. Also, think about the types of services you offer—advanced subjects like calculus or specialized test prep often start at higher rates.

Finally, you might want to think about offering packages or discounts. For example, give a discount for clients who book multiple sessions upfront, or offer a free session for every successful referral. This not only attracts new clients but also encourages long-term commitments!

Incorporating, taxes, and more

Note: We’re not lawyers, so don’t take this as legal advice. For proper legal advice, please consult with a lawyer or accountant to decide what’s best for your business.

When starting a tutoring business, you’ll need to choose a business structure. According to Pinlearn, you can operate as a sole proprietor or an LLC.

  • Sole Proprietor: This is the simplest option, where you and your business are legally the same. It’s easy to set up, but it doesn’t protect your personal assets from business liabilities.
  • LLC: An LLC separates your personal and business finances, offering liability protection and potential tax benefits. It’s a popular choice for tutors who want more security and a professional structure.

Remember, as a business owner, you’ll need to account for taxes. Incorporate taxes into your pricing or set aside funds to cover them later. We recommend keeping separate bank accounts for your business and personal finances to stay organized and on top of your financial obligations.

This seems like a lot. Is tutoring a good side hustle?

Definitely! And don’t let things like incorporating scare you---the process is actually really simple, and there’s a ton of support and tutorials available for young entrepreneurs.  

Tutoring offers flexibility, allowing you to set your own schedule and work with students in your area of expertise. It’s an excellent way to earn extra income while making a positive impact on your community, and we think it’s totally worth any hassle.

3. Choose your business model: Go virtual, in-person, or hybrid

Your tutoring location plays a huge role in how you connect with clients. Will you teach online, visit students at their homes, or meet at a local spot? Each option has its perks, so it’s all about what works best for you and your students.

🗣️ Did you know?: According to our research, up to 57% of no-shows occur when meetings don’t include a specific meeting location. We recommend ALWAYS including a location, even if it’s a virtual meeting.

Stats tutor page example



Pros and cons of different tutoring models




Virtual Tutoring

- Flexibility to work from anywhere

- Access to a broader client base

- Lower overhead costs

- Easier to manage multiple back-to-back sessions

- Requires reliable internet and tech setup

- May lack personal touch

- Potential for distractions

- Some students may struggle with the format

In-Person Tutoring

- Builds stronger personal connections

- Easier to gauge understanding

- Allows hands-on learning

- Local networking opportunities

- Travel time and costs

- Limited to local area

- Requires finding a suitable location

- Higher costs for space rental

Hybrid Model

- Combines benefits of both virtual and in-person

- Flexibility for student preferences

- Reach a wider audience while maintaining local ties

- Requires managing both online and physical logistics

- Complex scheduling and time management

- Potentially higher costs and resource needs

Whichever model you choose, syncing your availability with your scheduling tool makes it easy for students to see when and where they can book a session. Whether online or in-person, they’ll always know exactly how to connect with you—no confusion, no missed appointments.

4. Make it easy for students to book: Streamline your process

Let’s be real—no one enjoys the hassle of back-and-forth emails, phone tag, or confusing schedules. That’s where an online booking system comes in, making scheduling smooth and stress-free.

In fact, studies show that literally everyone prefers booking online across all age groups. Having online scheduling enabled could be the difference between a fully-booked calendar and scrambling to fill your slots.

A seamless, professional booking experience can also turn a one-time client into a loyal, repeat customer. When students or their parents can easily schedule sessions with you, it sets a positive, professional tone from the very beginning.

Easy booking = more students

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Why online booking just makes sense

For your clients: 

Convenience is everything. With online booking, students and parents can view your availability at a glance, overlay their schedule onto yours (whether they use iCloud, Outlook, or Google Calendar), and book the perfect time—all in real time. 

Plus, when two people are eyeing the same slot, they’ll see updates instantly, avoiding the frustration of double-booking. They can also schedule multiple meetings at once—whether it’s every Wednesday at 6 PM for the next 8 weeks or once a month for the entire year.

For you: Automating the booking process frees up your time, makes lead capture way more effective, and keeps your customers happy. 

With customizable booking options, you can tailor your page to match your brand and offer specific session types.  

Automated reminders reduce no-shows, helping you maintain a full schedule and maximize your earning potential. 

And with Stripe payment processing, you can take pre-appointment deposits and manage payments seamlessly, so you’re compensated on time, every time.

Clients can even submit materials like essays, test results, or homework assignments ahead of the meeting using the Dropbox integration, ensuring you’re fully prepared to make the most of your time together.

Pro-tip: Did you know you can create automated workflows with YouCanBookMe? Automation can save you up to 10 minutes per booking. It's super easy, too! We’ve got comprehensive automation tutorials for Zapier, our API, and Webhooks. So, go ahead—let the robots handle the busy work while you focus on what you do best!

5. Market yourself: Attract and retain students

Now that your business is set up, it’s time to get the word out. Effective marketing will help you attract new students and keep them coming back for more. Start with a professional website that showcases your services, credentials, and testimonials. Make sure it’s easy to navigate and mobile-friendly, as many potential clients will be searching on their phones.

When you have a website for existing and prospective students to visit, you can also easily embed your booking page onto it to make booking easier. See how Gareth Marlow does just that on his website

gareth marlow embed booking page on website

How do I sell myself as a private tutor?

Building a strong online presence is crucial for reaching potential clients. Your website should clearly communicate what you offer, why you’re qualified, and how potential clients can book a session with you. But don’t stop there—here are a few strategies you can use to increase your clientele. 

Effective strategies include: 

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): Optimize your website content to rank higher on search engines, making it easier for potential clients to find you.
  • Social media engagement: Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to connect with students and parents, share tips, and promote your services.
  • Email newsletters: Keep past and potential clients engaged with regular updates, tips, and special offers.
  • Customized, branded assets: Developing strong branded assets is key to standing out, and your booking page is one of the most effective tools in your marketing toolkit.

    A well-branded, customized booking page reinforces your professionalism, aligns with your brand, and provides a seamless experience that makes a lasting impression on potential clients.

💡 P.S. Create booking page templates to save time and energy!

  • Content marketing: Start a blog on your website where you share valuable insights, study tips, or success stories. This builds credibility and improves your SEO.
  • Community and word-of-mouth marketing: Don’t forget the power of community connections. Word of mouth is incredibly powerful in the tutoring business, so encourage clients to refer you to their friends and family. You can even offer a referral discount or point system to encourage this.

6. Keep your clients coming back: Strategies for retention

Attracting new clients is important, but keeping them coming back is what will truly sustain your business. Client retention is all about building relationships and providing ongoing value, and there are plenty of strategies you can use to ensure your clients stay engaged and committed to their learning journey with you.

Key Retention Strategies

  • Send meeting reminders: Prevent no-shows by sending automated appointment reminders before each session. This not only keeps your schedule running smoothly but also shows clients that you’re organized and reliable.
  • Follow-up with lesson plans: After each session, send a quick follow-up email with a breakdown of the lesson and study materials for the next session. This keeps students on track and helps parents see the value of your services.
  • Organize with Dropbox: Keep all your clients' documents, lesson plans, and progress reports organized with Dropbox integration. This makes it easy to access and share materials, ensuring that each session is productive and tailored to the student’s needs.
  • Celebrate milestones: Use automated reminders to celebrate milestones, like six months of lessons or significant progress in a subject. A simple acknowledgment or small reward can go a long way in making clients feel appreciated and motivated.
  • Switch seamlessly between in-person and virtual sessions: Flexibility is key to retention. If a student can’t make it to an in-person session, easily switch to a virtual session without missing a beat. This adaptability ensures that learning continues uninterrupted, no matter the circumstances.

Happy, engaged students (and their parents) are more likely to stay with you for the long haul, refer you to others, and seek additional services as needed.

Start your tutoring business the right way 

Starting a tutoring business is a super rewarding way to share knowledge, and can be a really effective way to make money on your own time. 

Key Points:

  • Find your niche: Specialize in subjects or areas where you excel and that have demand.
  • Set up a strong foundation: Choose the right business structure, manage your finances, and set clear pricing.
  • Streamline your bookings: Use an online scheduling system to make booking easy and efficient for you and your clients.
  • Focus on teaching: Automate administrative tasks so you can concentrate on helping your students succeed.

So go ahead, take the leap—your future students are waiting!


How do I structure a tutoring session?

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Start with a review: Begin each session by revisiting key points from the previous lesson. This reinforces learning and sets the stage for new material.

Introduce new concepts: Break down the new topic into clear, manageable parts. Use examples, analogies, or visual aids to make the material relatable and easier to understand.

Engage in practice: Allow the student to apply what they've learned through exercises, discussions, or problem-solving. This hands-on approach helps solidify understanding.

Summarize and plan ahead: End with a recap of what was covered and outline what the student should focus on before the next session. Set clear goals or assign homework to keep them on track.

Follow up: After the session, send a brief summary and any necessary materials. This helps the student prepare for the next lesson and shows your commitment to their progress.

What qualifications do I need to start a tutoring business?

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While formal qualifications aren’t always required, having a degree or relevant experience in your subject area can significantly boost your credibility and rates. Additionally, certifications from organizations like the American Tutoring Association can enhance your reputation and attract more clients.

How do I handle difficult students during a tutoring session?

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Start by understanding the root of the problem—whether it’s a lack of motivation, confidence, or understanding. Tailor your approach to meet their needs, use positive reinforcement, and keep communication open. Patience and adaptability are key to turning difficult sessions into successful ones.

How can I expand my tutoring business?

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Consider adding more subjects or services, hiring additional tutors, or offering online sessions to reach a broader audience. You can also expand by creating group sessions, workshops, or developing online courses. Scaling your business requires careful planning and a focus on maintaining quality as you grow.


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